Monday, 16 May 2011

Autumn craft

Today was playgroup day. We're coming towards the end of autumn and there are beautiful leaves on trees everywhere at the moment.

In celebration, we decided to create our own autumn trees.

The fun began yesterday, as we went out in the cold to collect our leaves. My three year old boy absolutely loved this activity. He was so proud to be helping to get ready for playgroup and was careful to select leaves that were dry and colours that he liked.

Toddlers being toddlers, it was important to make sure that the glue or paste we used was non-toxic, as you just have to expect that SOMEONE will taste some...

I used the recipe below. It made more than enough for a dozen eager toddlers who used MUCH more than required!

General purpose paste
1 cup flour
1/3 cup sugar
1 1/2 cups water
1 tsp vinegar

Mix flour and sugar in saucepan. 
Add half the water and stir to smooth paste.
Add rest of water and vinegar and stir until smooth.
Stir over medium heat until the paste thickens.

Paste can be kept sealed in refrigerator for up to 6 months.

Once at playgroup, the pasting fun began. The kids all enjoyed sticking their leaves onto the tree pictures on the paper. Such a fun way to celebrate autumn. Here's a finished product.

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